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23.3.2013 OG Asse, D
Judge: Ilse Freerksen ,D

BOB, BIS male:

Ever for Ever Lady World

CAC male:

Ever for Ever Lady World

res. CAC male:

Lucky Star's Ivanhoe

CAC female:

Lucky Star's Greta Garbo

res. CAC female:

My Summer Secret from Shepherdhill

Jgd. CAC male:

Mc Hollister White Flame

Jgd. CAC female:

Jocco Chocco Lady World

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XMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, Jgd. VDH, Jgd. CAC - Mc Hollister White Flame (i)
M Exc2, res. Jgd. VDH, res. Jgd. CAC - Keen Expression Neil Diamond (i)
XMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, VDH, res. CAC - Lucky Star's Ivanhoe (i)
M Exc2, res. VDH - Rusty vom Schloss Schwülper (i)
XMALES - cl. open
M VG1 - Bilbo of White Shadow (i)
XMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, VDH, CAC, BOB, BIS - Ever for Ever Lady World (i)
M Exc2, res. VDH - Keen Expression Fight for Zorro (i)

XFEMALES - cl. puppy
M VP1 - Knick-Knack in Full Luck Lady World (i)
M VP2 - White Perlfekt's My Fair Lady (i)
XFEMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, Jgd. VDH, Jgd. CAC - Jocco Chocco Lady World (i)
M Exc2, res. Jgd. VDH, res. Jgd. CAC - Lucky Star's Jette (i)
M Exc3 - Victoria vom Falkenberger Eck (i)
M Exc4 - Final Touch Unbelievable (i)
M VG - V.I.P.'s Sunshine Lady of White Castle (i)
XFEMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, VDH, CAC - Lucky Star's Greta Garbo (i)
M Exc2, res. VDH - Alina vom Schloss Schwülper (i)
XFEMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, VDH, res. CAC - My Summer Secret from Shepherdhill (i) ... gained title CH VDH/D
M Exc2, res. VDH - Keen Expression Halle Berry (i)
M Exc3 - Lilly aus dem Marie-Annental (i)

Photo Album 2013-03-23 OG Asse, D


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