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29.9.2018 CACIB Tulln, A
Judge: Suzana Verstovšek-Matakovic, HR

BOB: female

Stars Fall in Sunshine Celebration

BOS: male

Jackomo von der Grafschaft Lamberg

CACIB male:

Jackomo von der Grafschaft Lamberg

res. CACIB male:

Pride N Precious Be My Vendetta

CACIB female:

Stars Fall in Sunshine Celebration

res. CACIB female:

Victory in the Game Vertragus

Jugendbester male:

Big Brother Emylane Westie's

Jugendbester female:

Beautiful Game Emylane Westie's

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XMALES - cl. puppy
M VP - Dukat Fredy Adoxa (i)
*20.1.2018 Fredy Adoxa & Axa Cornus Adoxa
XMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, Jugendbester - Big Brother Emylane Westie's (i)
*1.4.2017 Karamynd Play the Game & W. D. O'La La Some Like It Hot
M Exc2 - Bogarhazi Bomb (i)
*30.11.2017 Bogarhazi Hypnotic Poison & Surprise Westie Royal Romance
M Exc3 - Ayven the Strongest of Strangler's White Dream (i)
*29.5.2017 Surprise Westie Rocket the Sky & Elina zu den Tatzen von Morgentau
XMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CACA, CACIB, BOS - Jackomo von der Grafschaft Lamberg (i)
*13.6.2016 Lucky Star's Riverdance & Vice Versa of Mc Kruster
M Exc2, res. CACA - Alborada Mike (i)
*30.8.2015 Alborada Federer & Alborada Little Madam
XMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CACA, res. CACIB - Pride N Precious Be My Vendetta (i)
*31.3.2016 Armadale's Leader of the Game & Catching Fire Vertragus

XFEMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, Jugendbester - Beautiful Game Emylane Westie's (i)
*1.4.2017 Karamynd Play the Game & W. D. O'La La Some Like It Hot
M Exc2 - Greta-Georgina of Summerwind (i)
*25.10.2017 Hopecharm Space Cowboy & Mrs. Merry Lou v. Paradise of Wind
M Exc3 - Albiero Royal Danila (i)
*18.12.2017 Kiran von der Grafschaft Lamberg & Albiero Royal Aeris-Alisha
XFEMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, CACA - Camille Smiling Nippers (i)
*30.1.2017 Perry Mateus Blataj & Patty Bílá amfora
M Exc2 - Bogarhazi Secred Code (i)
*5.1.2017 Rolling Dancer of Surprise & Glencoe's I'm on Fire
JR 73790
XFEMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CACA - Patty Bílá amfora (i)
*3.7.2013 Give Me a French Kiss du Moulin de Mac Gregor & Hanule Bílá amfora
XFEMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CACA, CACIB, BOB - Stars Fall in Sunshine Celebration (i)
*31.10.2014 Havasu High Tech & Flanagan Sunshine Celebration
M Exc2, res. CACA, res. CACIB - Victory in the Game Vertragus (i)
*10.5.2016 Karamynd Play the Game & Queenie Pai Vertragus
M Exc3 - Mrs. Merry Lou v. Paradise of Wind (i)
*6.6.2014 Hopecharm Star Ship Trouper & Jaimi Magic Blataj


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