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20.1.2018 CACIB Turku, FIN
Judge: Sonia Philippou, CY

BOB: male

Loving You Liebe Meines Bebens

BOS: female

That's About Aisla

CACIB male:

Loving You Liebe Meines Bebens

CAC female:

That's About Aisla

Junior female:

Loving You Lambda Sagittarii

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XMALES - cl. Best male
M 1 - Loving You Liebe Meines Bebens (i)
*2.7.2014 Magic Mondriaan vom Märchengarten & Loving You Live for Me
XMALES - cl. junior
M VG1 - Who's Count on Me (i)
*12.3.2017 Mac-Ken-Char Twinoaks Uptown Funk & Who's Legal Addiction
XMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CK, 1. BD, CACIB, BOB - Loving You Liebe Meines Bebens (i)
*2.7.2014 Magic Mondriaan vom Märchengarten & Loving You Live for Me

XFEMALES - cl. Best female
M 1 - That's About Aisla (i)
*15.9.2014 Gia' Che Ci Sei della Riva d'Arno & Who's Guilty
XFEMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1 - Loving You Lambda Sagittarii (i)
*23.12.2016 Loving You Looks to Die for & Loving You Lead Me to the Stars
M VG2 - Who's Just the Way You Are (i)
*12.3.2017 Mac-Ken-Char Twinoaks Uptown Funk & Who's Legal Addiction
M VG3 - Jardin Blanc de La Belle Violette
XFEMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CK, 1. BB, CAC, BOS - That's About Aisla (i)
*15.9.2014 Gia' Che Ci Sei della Riva d'Arno & Who's Guilty
M VG2 - Donut's Vampire Kiss (i)
*19.10.2013 White Villan Fact'N'Fiction & Donut's Peanut


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