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11.12.2016 CACIB Wels, A
Judge: András Korózs, H

BOB, IV. BIG female:

Mystic Poker Face Sunshine Celebration

BOS: male

Alborada Bittman

CACIB male:

Alborada Bittman

res. CACIB male:

Glencoe's O'Harra

CACIB female:

Mystic Poker Face Sunshine Celebration

res. CACIB female:

Zoom Zoom Sunshine Celebration

Jugendbester female:

Zackshine Zoom Zoom's Attitude

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XMALES - cl. puppy
M VP - Pride N Precious Bang Bang (i)
*31.3.2016 Armadale's Leader of the Game & Catching Fire Vertragus
XMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CACA, res. CACIB - Glencoe's O'Harra (i)
*3.3.2011 Rolling Dancer of Surprise & Glencoe's Cimmeron
M Exc2, res. CACA - Winterseele Loyning Lutik (i)
*14.4.2010 Brait Nouz Jantuar & Aurora Revaylle
RKF 2741316
M Exc3 - Wild Blizzard Qui Si Gela (i)
*8.4.2012 Leonhard's Lucky Boy & The Dashing Devil's Naomi Campbell
XMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CACA, CACIB, BOS - Alborada Bittman (i) ... gained title C.I.B.
*18.6.2014 Alborada Federer & Alborada Keona
M Exc2, res. CACA - Zenith of Rockwell U Can't Stop Me (i)
*31.8.2014 Zenith of Rockwell Fanfan & Mambo Zoom-Zoom

XFEMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, Jugendbester - Zackshine Zoom Zoom's Attitude (i)
*1.12.2015 Royal Attitude vom Deipen Brook & Zoom Zoom Sunshine Celebration
M Exc2 - Zenith of Rockwell Daisy (i)
*17.2.2016 Zenith of Rockwell I am the Professional & Zenith of Rockwell Holly
XFEMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, CACA, CACIB, BOB, IV. BIG - Mystic Poker Face Sunshine Celebration (i)
*19.6.2015 Spirit of Mine Sunshine Celebration & Xtreme Poker Face Sunshine Celebration
M Exc2, res. CACA - W. D. O'La La Pillangó Girl (i)
*20.7.2015 Charosmack Cold Play & W. D. O'La La Kockacukor
JR 73391
M VG3 - Brigoree Especially for You (i)
*10.7.2015 Leonhard's Leon King Brigoree & Brigoree Blondie
XFEMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CACA, res. CACIB - Zoom Zoom Sunshine Celebration (i)
*8.3.2014 Agent Cornus Adoxa & Flanagan Sunshine Celebration
M Exc2, res. CACA - Glencoe's Touch My Soul (i)
*22.9.2013 Hopecharm Written in Time & Glencoe's Indianapolis
M Exc3 - Catching Fire Vertragus (i)
*15.6.2014 I'm the Best Superbia & Queenie Pai Vertragus


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