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19.3.2016 CAC Katowice, PL
Judge: Barbara Brandys, PL

BOB, II. BIG male:

Nothing Toxic Lady World

BOS: female

It's Show Time Agidor

Zwyciezca male:

Nothing Toxic Lady World

Zw. Ml., Best Junior male:

Incredible Boy Agidor

Zw. Ml. female:

It's Show Time Agidor

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XMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, Zw. Ml., Best Junior - Incredible Boy Agidor (i)
*22.5.2015 Agent Cornus Adoxa & Armadale's Lady with Roses
XMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CWC - Gerard Butler from White Gallardo (i) ... gained title CH PL
*12.11.2013 Expect the Best White Gallardo & Coco Bohemia Elité
XMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CWC, Zwyciezca, BOB, II. BIG - Nothing Toxic Lady World (i)
*1.12.2013 Ever for Ever Lady World & Jocco Chocco Lady World

XFEMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, Zw. Ml., BOS - It's Show Time Agidor (i)
*22.5.2015 Agent Cornus Adoxa & Armadale's Lady with Roses

XFEMALES - cl. intermediate
M 1 - Sempre con Te Amico Bianco (i)
*22.3.2014 Vento Magie Blanche & Io Sono Unica Amico Bianco


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