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13.9.2015 OG Detmold, D
Judge: Maxwell King, GB

BOB: female

From Dash Mountain Farm's Flame

CAC male:

White Headline's Maximus-Aurelius

res. CAC male:

White Warmia's Angus Starlight

CAC female:

From Dash Mountain Farm's Flame

res. CAC female:

Armadale's It's Showtime

Jgd. CAC male:

Ice Bear Idefix aus Grisus Höhle

Jgd. CAC female:

Quennly for My Heart vom Flinthörn

BIS Baby female:

Armadale's New Kid in Town

II. BIS Veteran female:

Maverick's Showgirl

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XMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, Jgd. VDH, Jgd. CAC - Ice Bear Idefix aus Grisus Höhle (i)
*11.9.2014 Karamynd Guns with Roses & Alyssa aus Grisus Höhle
XMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, VDH, CAC - White Headline's Maximus-Aurelius (i)
*19.9.2013 Keen Expression One Man Show & Sour Cherry of Surprise
M Exc2, res. VDH, res. CAC - White Warmia's Angus Starlight (i)
*29.4.2014 Bilbo of White Shadow & V.I.P.'s Sunshine Lady of White Castle

XFEMALES - cl. baby
M VP1, BIS Baby - Armadale's New Kid in Town (i)
*2.4.2015 Karamynd Guns with Roses & Armadale's Who's That Girl
NHSB 2999822
XFEMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, Jgd. VDH, Jgd. CAC - Quennly for My Heart vom Flinthörn (i)
*4.12.2014 Bocans Backin Business & July vom Flinthörn
M Exc2, res. Jgd. VDH, res. Jgd. CAC - True Avadore Sunshine Celebration (i)
*21.5.2014 Un Pour Moi du Moulin de Mac Gregor & Jasmine Happy Naux
M Exc3 - White Warmia's Avonbridge Hopefully (i)
*29.4.2014 Bilbo of White Shadow & V.I.P.'s Sunshine Lady of White Castle
M Exc4 - Ice Crystal Lillifee aus Grisus Höhle (i)
*11.9.2014 Karamynd Guns with Roses & Alyssa aus Grisus Höhle
XFEMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, VDH, res. CAC - Armadale's It's Showtime (i)
*22.3.2014 Karamynd Guns with Roses & Armadale's Ever So Clever
M Exc2, res. VDH - Consuela vom Sparrenberg-Clan (i)
*7.11.2013 Fernando von den Blauen Bergen & Unique Girl Vertragus
XFEMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, VDH - Lullaby von Tinsdal (i)
*3.12.2012 Bonnie Ann's Troilus & Cilvisund's Concordia
XFEMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, VDH, CAC, BOB - From Dash Mountain Farm's Flame (i)
*15.7.2009 From Dash Mountain Farm's Flashman & From Dash Mountain Farm's Levi Lois
NHSB 2757925
XFEMALES - cl. veteran
M 1. platz, Vet. VDH, Vet. CAC, Best Veteran, II. BIS Veteran - Maverick's Showgirl (i)
*23.12.2002 Maverick's Pulp Fiction & Maverick's Knight Moves


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