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13.7.2013 CAC Tvaaker, S
Judge: Phil Thompson, AUS

BOB, III. BIG male:

Brorastar Writin to Primos

BOS: female

Soya's Papaya

CAC male:

Werweise's Sombrero

res. CAC male:

Highland Crest Precious McPatric

CAC female:

Shakers Katinka

res. CAC female:

Wild Look of Rebellion

Junior female:

Wild Look of Rebellion

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XMALES - cl. Best male
M 1 - Brorastar Writin to Primos (i)
*27.7.2010 Lamsmore Fitzwritin & Ashgate Camellia
M 2 - Werweise's Sombrero (i)
*6.12.2009 Bellevue Brainstorm & Werweise's Vip
M 3 - Highland Crest Precious McPatric (i)
*3.4.2010 Highland Crest Gorgeous George & Highland Crest Rascal Ruby
XMALES - cl. puppy
M VP1, Best Puppy - Highland Crest Battling Boy (i)
*2.11.2012 Jazzing Simply the Best & Highland Crest Tiptop Tosha
XMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CK, 2. BD, CAC - Werweise's Sombrero (i)
*6.12.2009 Bellevue Brainstorm & Werweise's Vip
M Exc2, CK, 3. BD, res. CAC - Highland Crest Precious McPatric (i)
*3.4.2010 Highland Crest Gorgeous George & Highland Crest Rascal Ruby
M Exc3 - Whitemac's Escada (i)
*30.5.2011 Tweed Thinking Cap & Nillatorps Stella McCartney
M Exc4 - Ruben (i)
*27.9.2009 Niggly White Oleander & Piquants Ida
XMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CK, 1. BD, BOB, III. BIG - Brorastar Writin to Primos (i)
*27.7.2010 Lamsmore Fitzwritin & Ashgate Camellia
M Exc2 - Soya's Neo (i)
*12.5.2010 Made to Mr Tyson & Werweise's Daisy

XFEMALES - cl. Best female
M 1 - Soya's Papaya (i)
*1.11.2010 Bazetts Gordon & Soya's F Polly
M 2 - Shakers Katinka (i)
*3.2.2012 Brorastar Writin to Primos & Stinsens Singoalla
M 3 - Wild Look of Rebellion (i)
*29.7.2012 Piquants Avatar & Piquants Playing with Myself

M 4 - Piquants Ester (i)
*1.3.2006 Almstranden's Winter Wind & Werweise's Mona Louder
XFEMALES - cl. puppy
M VP1 - Tails Up Tigers First Love (i)
*7.1.2013 Royal Attitude vom Deipen Brook & Tails Up The Living Daylights
XFEMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, CK, 3. BB, res. CAC - Wild Look of Rebellion (i)
*29.7.2012 Piquants Avatar & Piquants Playing with Myself

M Exc2 - Tails Up Carte Blanche (i)
*5.5.2012 Bazetts Gordon & Tails Up Voila
XFEMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, CK, 2. BB, CAC - Shakers Katinka (i)
*3.2.2012 Brorastar Writin to Primos & Stinsens Singoalla
M Exc2 - Shakers After Eight (i)
*30.9.2011 Nillatorps April Knight & Across Piccadilly Circus
XFEMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CK, 4. BB - Piquants Ester (i)
*1.3.2006 Almstranden's Winter Wind & Werweise's Mona Louder
M Exc2 - Highland Crest Just a Joyride (i)
*20.11.2008 Rob du Moulin de Mac Gregor & Highland Crest Sweet Savannah
M VG3 - Soya's Ruby (i)
*29.7.2011 Perfect Wild Boy of Surprise & Soya's Lucia
XFEMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CK, 1. BB, BOS - Soya's Papaya (i)
*1.11.2010 Bazetts Gordon & Soya's F Polly
M Exc2 - Kriswestin Magnifica (i)
*29.12.2008 Tweed Tell Me Another & Kriswestin Keep Shining


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