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14.12.2012 Central Florida KC, USA
Judge: Clay Coady, USA

BOB: male

Skyehigh's MKC Bonaparte

BOS: female

Camcrest Andsurely Jasmine

Winner male:

Glenns Monte Carlo

Reserve male:

Laurelwynd's Zach

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XMALES - cl. Puppy 6-9 months
M 1, Reserve - Laurelwynd's Zach (i)
*24.5.2012 Ashgate U.S. Great Expectations & Laurelwynds Bekka O Sweetsounds
XMALES - cl. Puppy 9-12 months
M 1 - The Boss de New Gryffindor (i)
*22.2.2012 Alborada Federer & Up-To-Date du Moulin de Mac Gregor
M 2 - Heights Wight House (i)
*24.12.2011 Mac-Ken-Char's Decision Maker & An-Van's Raggedy Ann
XMALES - cl. Open
M 1, Winner, Best of Winners - Glenns Monte Carlo (i)
*16.6.2011 Ashgate U.S. Blythfell Montrose & Glenns Payton Triumph Brat
XMALES - cl. Best of Breed
M Select - Blythfell Fergus (i)
*9.10.2008 Ashgate U.S. Blythfell Montrose & Berryhill Daisies Don't Lie
M BOB - Skyehigh's MKC Bonaparte (i)
*21.12.2006 Mac-Ken-Char's Twinoaks Napoleon & Mac-Ken-Char's Dixie O'Skyehigh

XFEMALES - cl. Best of Breed
M BOS - Camcrest Andsurely Jasmine (i)
*3.4.2011 Karamynd No Strings on Me & Camcrest Bebe Queen of Trouble
M Select - Shamrock White Diamonds (i)
*8.8.2009 Mac-Ken-Char's Superhero & Shamrock Chanel No. 5 O'Stoneyhill


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