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29.7.2012 CACIB Ransäter, S
Judge: Cristian Petre Stavarache, RO

BOB, III. BIG male:

Bazetts Gordon

BOS: female

Bellevue Spirit Dreamer

CACIB male:

Bazetts Gordon

res. CACIB male:

Kriswestin Orpheus

CACIB female:

Bellevue Spirit Dreamer

res. CACIB female:

Rieskant's Time for Miracles

CAC male:

Taraduza Card

res. CAC male:

Kriswestin Orpheus

CAC female:

Bellevue Spirit Dreamer

res. CAC female:

Rieskant's Time for Miracles

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XMALES - cl. Best male
M 1 - Bazetts Gordon (i)
*20.1.2009 Sidewater Barney Rubble & Burneze Go with the Flo
M 2 - Taraduza Card (i)
*28.7.2011 Brorastar Writin to Primos & Taraduza Yara
M 3 - Kriswestin Orpheus (i)
*10.1.2010 Tweed Thinking Cap & Kriswestin Kassandra
M 4 - Rieskant's Flo Rider (i)
*23.8.2011 Rieskant's Amazing Abe & Burneze Go with the Flo
XMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, CK, 2. BD, CAC - Taraduza Card (i)
*28.7.2011 Brorastar Writin to Primos & Taraduza Yara
M Exc2, CK, 4. BD - Rieskant's Flo Rider (i)
*23.8.2011 Rieskant's Amazing Abe & Burneze Go with the Flo
XMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CK, 3. BD, res. CAC, res. CACIB - Kriswestin Orpheus (i)
*10.1.2010 Tweed Thinking Cap & Kriswestin Kassandra
XMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CK, 1. BD, CACIB, BOB, III. BIG - Bazetts Gordon (i)
*20.1.2009 Sidewater Barney Rubble & Burneze Go with the Flo

XFEMALES - cl. Best female
M 1 - Bellevue Spirit Dreamer (i) ... gained title CH S
*18.1.2008 Bellevue Spirit Catcher & Bellevue Honey Bee

M 2 - Rieskant's Time for Miracles (i)
*9.11.2010 Bazetts Gordon & Rieskant's Hummingbird
M 3 - Taraduza Zambione (i)
*27.9.2009 A Tes Souhaits du Moulin de Mac Gregor & Taraduza Unforgettable Secretary
M 4 - Hi Wind's Give Me Joy (i)
*30.3.2010 Hi Wind's Eros & Primos Unforgetable
XFEMALES - cl. puppy
M VP1, Best Puppy - My Fair Lady Devil in Disguise (i)
*1.12.2011 Agent Cornus Adoxa & Total Devil in Disguise
XFEMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, CK, 2. BB, res. CAC, res. CACIB - Rieskant's Time for Miracles (i)
*9.11.2010 Bazetts Gordon & Rieskant's Hummingbird
XFEMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, CK, 3. BB - Taraduza Zambione (i)
*27.9.2009 A Tes Souhaits du Moulin de Mac Gregor & Taraduza Unforgettable Secretary
M Exc2, CK, 4. BB - Hi Wind's Give Me Joy (i)
*30.3.2010 Hi Wind's Eros & Primos Unforgetable
XFEMALES - cl. champion
M Exc1, CK, 1. BB, CAC, CACIB, BOS - Bellevue Spirit Dreamer (i) ... gained title CH S
*18.1.2008 Bellevue Spirit Catcher & Bellevue Honey Bee

XFEMALES - cl. veteran
M Exc1, CK - Quarter East Josefine (i)
*28.11.2002 Perhaps Pothunter & Jazzing Dancing Queen


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