Lady Sian Clarabelle
Litter *5.8.1988
Prince of Goleugoed x Gornoeth Lady Snowflake
male Llewelyn Fawr
male Teramead Darby
female Lady Sian Clarabelle
female Snowey Valdis
Other litters by the same combination
Litter *5.3.1990
Prince of Goleugoed x Gornoeth Lady Snowflake
male Bold Snowleopard
male Happy Snowbird
male Kenkew Snowbunting
male Snow Mobile
female Cindy Snowball
Litter *22.5.1989
Prince of Goleugoed x Gornoeth Lady Snowflake
female Holly Honey Bell
female Jayme Bianca
female Peppa Wrap
female Salt Spin
female Sarah Snowdrift
female Sophie Imogen Marmall