Kirkhill Dream Maiden
Litter *1.3.1991
Teddy Topper of Kirkhill x Topsie Maiden of Kirkhill
male Kirkhill Jester's Boy
male Kirkhill Lucy's Cry Boy
male Kirkhill Mereno Spark
male Kirkhill Sandy Scott
female Kirkhill Dream Maiden
female Kirkhill Endolli Doll
female Kirkhill Flower Dancer
female Kirkhill Spring Sparkler
female Kirkhill Topsie's Girl
Other litters by the same combination
Litter *21.9.1991
Teddy Topper of Kirkhill x Topsie Maiden of Kirkhill
female Kirkhill Topper's Lass
female Kirkhill Topsie Turvey
Litter *18.6.1990
Teddy Topper of Kirkhill x Topsie Maiden of Kirkhill
male Kirkhill Alchiea Archie
male Kirkhill Rexy Boy
male Kirkhill White Storm
female Kirkhill Ladys Mantle