White Diamant O'La La Lila Pause
Litter Surprise Westie *11.4.2000
Made for Me of Surprise x White Diamant O'La La Lila Pause
male Chip'N Dale of Surprise
female Cream Caramel of Surprise
Litter F Surprise Westie *19.2.1999
Wesscots Fly by Knight x White Diamant O'La La Lila Pause
male Fly by Knight of Surprise
female Forbidden Fruit of Surprise
female Freedom of Surprise
Litter Surprise Westie *22.8.1998
Coca Cola of Surprise x White Diamant O'La La Lila Pause
male Whisky of Surprise
female Wellcome to Voronovo of Surprise
female Wish Me Luck of Surprise
Litter Surprise Westie *
Bellevue Special Attraction of Ashgate x White Diamant O'La La Lila Pause
male Life Style of Surprise
Litter *
Karamynd I'm a Surprise x White Diamant O'La La Lila Pause
female Toby Valentino Fromgummi Bear's