Karamynd Goes to Star West
Litter *17.7.2022
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Pastorale Nova Jacqueline Estete
male Selenidera Don Diablo
female Selenidera Dressed for Success
Litter E od Hošťálky *24.6.2020
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Jackie Star West
male Expert Puppin od Hošťálky
Litter P Star West *1.6.2020
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Dynamica Star West
male Power of Pepper Star West
Litter O Star West *26.4.2020
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Just My Shelly Star West
female Only My Minnie Star West
Litter O Star West *26.4.2020
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Just My Shelly Star West
male Oliver Star West
Litter N Star West *29.2.2020
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Fantastica Star West
female Nalla Star West
female Nessie Star West
female New Hope Star West
Litter G Whisper Dusk *23.11.2019
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Whisper Dusk Bee My Love
male Ghost Fighter Whisper Dusk
male Ghost Rider Whisper Dusk
female Gold'n'Diamonds Whisper Dusk
female Gold'n'Pearls Whisper Dusk
female Gold'n'Sparklers Whisper Dusk
female Gold'n'Stars Whisper Dusk
Litter S ze Zelené Ořechovky *11.6.2019
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Quentine ze Zelené Ořechovky
male Salvador ze Zelené Ořechovky
male Sammuel ze Zelené Ořechovky
Litter O West Hell *5.6.2019
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Xara Happy Naux
male Oggy West Hell
Litter B Highland Angel *1.5.2019
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Ebby z Kamejku
male Bart Highland Angel
male Bentley Eduard Highland Angel
female Bell Highland Angel
Litter D od Hluckého lesa *22.12.2018
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Barča od Hluckého Lesa
male Dag od Hluckého lesa
male Dan od Hluckého lesa
female Debbie od Hluckého lesa
female Dita od Hluckého lesa
Litter C od Hluckého lesa *5.10.2018
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Terry Bílý Hurricane
female Cilka od Hluckého lesa
female Cindy od Hluckého lesa
female Cintie od Hluckého lesa
female Cita od Hluckého lesa
Litter F Ice Touch *7.4.2018
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Wonderful Dream Sunshine Celebration
male Fancy Fellow Ice Touch
male Frederick Ice Touch
female Fidorka Ice Touch
female Forbidden Fruit Ice Touch
Litter H Star West *20.7.2017
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Dynamica Star West
male Harley Star West
male Harvey Star West
Litter C od Hošťálky *13.6.2016
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Alannis of Moondaisy Star
male Cain Goes od Hošťálky
male Carny Goes od Hošťálky
female Caithness Alis od Hošťálky
female Carrie Alis od Hošťálky
Litter T Vertragus *28.4.2016
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Lucky Lady from Vixan
male Tailes Up Vertragus
male Take Control Vertragus
male Take It All Vertragus
male The One and Only Vertragus
male Time Bomb Vertragus
male Titanium Vertragus
female Time to Win Vertragus
Litter E Ostroh Star *10.10.2015
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Rocky Bílý Hurricane
female Elizabeth Ostroh Star
Litter CH Klatovská perla *24.9.2015
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Tessie Happy Naux
male Charlie Klatovská perla
male Chicco Klatovská perla
female Cheny Klatovská perla
female Cherrie Klatovská perla
Litter I Dioritas *15.8.2015
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Amber Lady Opoka
male Ice Cube Dioritas
Litter W Happy Naux *15.2.2015
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Leontyna Happy Naux
female Wendy Happy Naux
female Wicky Happy Naux
Litter Bílý Hurricane *17.1.2015
Karamynd Goes to Star West x The Dashing Devil's She Got the Look
male Vild Bílý Hurricane
Litter A Smiling Nippers *12.8.2014
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Adelain of Marzipan
female Alexandra Brave Smiling Nippers
Litter F Devil in Disguise *4.6.2014
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Maybe Devil in Disguise
male Finally Yours Devil in Disguise
male Forever Young Devil in Disguise
male Forgive Me Devil in Disguise
female Funny Devil in Disguise
Litter C Llybac *10.8.2013
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Comet Lights-Up Blataj
male Cambridge Llybac
Litter C from Black Tower *4.4.2013
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Hessi Bílá amfora
male Colwyn from Black Tower
female Catelyn from Black Tower
female Crystabelle from Black Tower
Litter C Star West *22.10.2012
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Keira Happy Naux
male C.J. Star West
male Captain Star West
female Caramel Nude Star West
female Coral Rose Star West
female Cream Dream Star West
female Crystal Pearl Star West
Litter M Grandiflora *17.9.2012
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Pearl Jam Grandiflora
male Max Grandiflora
male Moritz Grandiflora
Litter O Happy Naux *15.6.2012
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Eachtime Hanni Happy Naux
male Oliwer Happy Naux (2)
male Orlen Happy Naux
female O'Pipa Happy Naux
female Ofelie Happy Naux
female Ornela Happy Naux
Litter E Klatovská perla *7.4.2012
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Jackie of White Avalanche
male Elias Klatovská perla
female Ellie Klatovská perla
female Eshley Klatovská perla
Litter X Sunshine Celebration *1.4.2012
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Brait Nouz DVD
male Xtra Brait Nouz Sunshine Celebration
male Xtra Special Sunshine Celebration
female Xtreme Girl Sunshine Celebration
female Xtreme Look Sunshine Celebration
female Xtreme Poker Face Sunshine Celebration
Litter F Klatovský karafiát *7.2.2012
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Cathy Klatovský karafiát
male Filip Klatovský karafiát
male Flip Klatovský karafiát
female Fifi Klatovský karafiát
Litter S z Kamejku *30.9.2011
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Jennifer z Kamejku
female Sarah z Kamejku
female Sonny z Kamejku
female Stefani z Kamejku
female Stella z Kamejku
Litter I Blataj *17.7.2011
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Rebecca Blataj
male Ice-T Blataj
female Icaria Blataj
Litter B from Black Tower *17.6.2011
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Hessi Bílá amfora
male Balthazar from Black Tower
male Bastien from Black Tower
male Bernie from Black Tower
Litter E Klatovský karafiát *26.5.2011
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Emily z Kamejku
male Endy Klatovský karafiát
female Ebbie Klatovský karafiát
female Ellis Klatovský karafiát
female Enny Klatovský karafiát
Litter B Canty Wean *30.4.2011
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Leonhard's Time is Mine
female Babybel Canty Wean
Litter G Vixan *2.4.2011
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Anabell Vixan
male Gajusz Juliusz Cesar from Vixan
male Gladiator from Vixan
female Gaja from Vixan
female Gala Vixan
Litter A Grandiflora *12.1.2011
Karamynd Goes to Star West x Metallica at Grandiflora
male And Justice for All by Grandiflora
female All Within My Hands in Grandiflora
female Anesthesia from Grandiflora
female Attitude of Grandiflora