Lymehills Icon of Birch Bark
Complete pedigree: max 9 generations.
Available 30 from 30 dogs => 100.00 % of pedigree.
Ancestor Loss Coefficient
AVK 70 % (ideal 100 %)
Wright's Inbreeding Coefficient
IC = 12.5 % (ideal 0 %, FCI max 12,5 %)
Hopecharm Willie Makeit for Karamynd: 6.25 %
Gilbri Fortune and Fame: 3.125 %
Gilbri Wayward Lad: 3.125 %
Repeated ancestors from 30 dogs
Gilbri Maid to Measure: 2x
Haweswalton Troubadour: 2x
Haweswalton Harvest Moon: 2x
Ashgate Hielan Laddie: 2x
Gilbri Fortune and Fame: 2x
Rotella the Fezzant Plucka: 2x
Rotella Lovyootoo Hopecharm: 2x
Gilbri Wayward Lad: 2x
Hopecharm Willie Makeit for Karamynd: 2x