Almstranden's Young Robi

Number of generations ::

Complete pedigree: max 5 generations.


Available 30 from 30 dogs => 100.00 % of pedigree.

Ancestor Loss Coefficient
AVK 60 % (ideal 100 %)

Wright's Inbreeding Coefficient
IC = 12.5 % (ideal 0 %, FCI max 12,5 %)

Season Cleopatra: 3.125 %
Morenish Royal Tartan: 3.125 %
Primos Fruit of the Loom: 3.125 %
Highstile Paladin: 3.125 %

Repeated ancestors from 30 dogs
Famecheck Extra Special: 2x
Purston Puzzle: 2x
Morenish Fanny MacDougal: 2x
Famecheck Popstar: 2x
Rorie: 2x
Casimir: 2x
Highstile Party Manners: 2x
Primos Fruit of the Loom: 2x
Morenish Royal Tartan: 2x
Season Cleopatra: 2x
Domaroy Saracen: 2x
Highstile Paladin: 2x


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